Child Safety

Safety in the home is paramount to any home owner or occupier, but one aspect of home safety that is frequently overlooked is corded window coverings. Corded window coverings can be a real danger for all people within your home, especially children.

Being a child is a great time in life but as we all know, their curiosity will get them into all sorts of situations. Unfortunately, some
of these situations have the possibility of being very serious. Steps need to be taken in order to reduce the threat to children from corded window coverings.

At Wynstan we take child safety very seriously. We are a family business, we have children of our own, and child safety is paramount to us in the design of our products. Please pay particular attention to the information provided in this guide as it contains a number of tips to keep your children safe within your home.

Browse some of our top picks including cord-free options like shutters and Verishades or why not have Wynmotion and motorise your furnishings removing the cords completely!

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